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Children's Vitamin & Mineral Test

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Over 25 items tested

Being on top of your child’s nutritional levels is important for any parent or carer who wants to ensure their child is healthy and well. However, it may be difficult to know where to start. This is where the Kid’s Vitamin & Mineral Test proves helpful. Many children lack in vital vitamins and minerals which can take a toll on their health and overall well being. This test can give you a clearer picture of what your child’s specific needs are making your job as a parent or carer much easier. As our method of testing does not involve any blood or needles, it is perfectly carried out for children aged 4 and above in a safe and non evasive manner. The Kids Vitamin & Mineral Test will give you an idea as to where to begin your child’s health journey. This may be through incorporating nutrient rich foods into their diets, or introducing daily supplements as a part of their routine.


29 items tested

Results on the same day


Per Person

Book an Appointment

To arrange your appointment, call 0203 105 0499 or email using the 'contact us' button.


Order by phone, no
doctors referral required


At Liverpool Road NHS Health Centre


Receive your results within the same day

Health & Wellness Screening Since 2015

Why Is This Test Important?

If your child shows symptoms of tiredness, fatigue
You suspect your child may have a weak immune system
If your child is feeling out of sorts or out of balance
You want to gain an insight into your child's nutritional needs

Who Should Consider This Test?

Many children suffer from underlying micro nutrient deficiencies which can lead to a number of symptoms affecting their development and characteristics. Unlike adults, children are constantly changing and growing, therefore their health is of utmost importance particularly at their tender age. If you are concerned that your child may have underlying health issues, a Kids Vitamin & Mineral Test will help you take control of their wellbeing. Some of the common symptoms children suffer from range from headaches, hyperactivity, loss of appetite, lack of focus when studying etc. It may be that their body is out of balance. In order to help bring their body back into balance, you can start by assessing their vitamins and minerals. The report can also be shown to your child’s  GP or health practitioner to further help aid their health journey and any possible diagnoses.

What is Tested?

Our Kids Vitamin & Mineral Test includes testing the following markers:

  • Vitamin B12

  • Vitamin D3

  • Iron

  • Vitamin A 

  • Vitamin B1

  • Vitamin E

  • Manganese

  • Calcium

  • Silicon

  • Boron

  • Iodine

  • Magnesium

  • Vanadium

  • Vitamin B2

  • Vitamin B3

  • Vitamin B6

  • Vitamin C

  • Vitamin K2

  • Selenium

  • Phosphorus 

  • Copper

  • Cobalt

  • Potassium

  • Zinc

  • NIckel

  • Fluorine

  • Molybdenum

  • Tin

  • Strontium

How to Prepare for the Test

Clinic Visit:
This test requires you to be on an empty stomach two hours prior to your appointment. Water is allowed. If your child has a pacemaker, they will not be able to take the test. If you are taking any medication it should not affect your test, however you should check with your GP or practitioner to ensure it is okay for you to take a test or fast. As this is a non invasive test, you will not be required to remove any clothing. However, you will need to remove any jewellery from your hands so that it does not disrupt the screening. 

In order to take this test, you will need to give us a call to arrange an appointment at our clinic. You will receive your results on the day, both printed and emailed. You may show this report to your GP or health practitioner for further advice. You may also wish to take supplements to help improve your nutritional levels according to your results. 

Call our Clinic to make a time that suits you -
appointments available  6 days a week



The contents of our test reports are not meant to infer any diagnosis, treatment or cure of specific conditions and illnesses. Although many illnesses can be linked to nutritional deficiencies, intolerances and pathogenic or toxic influences, the likely presence of such in your report is not necessarily indicative of the illness itself. If you are concerned about your health, please seek the advice of your GP or Medical Adviser. The information provided in our test reports may help them further towards considering more formal investigations in line with current medical practice.

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